15 June 2020
Today our students participated in a ThinkUKnow workshop, aimed at educating and increasing awareness about being safe on the internet.
Students learnt more about cyberbullying, their digital footprint, online grooming and online nudes.
Feedback from the sessions was really positive, Blake from Year 8 said “I thought the presentation was good because the police officer was funny but informed us about the seriousness with online activity, I learnt that we shouldn’t share inappropriate things even if we found it funny at the time, as the consequences can be negative for our futures”.
Our students were thoroughly engaged throughout each of the sessions, which featured real life examples that were quite surprising for the students, they showed their interest with some great questions for the presenter.
“It was great to see both cohorts fully engaged in the presentation about the dangers around online safety as it is an important topic within today’s society, I believe it did have a strong impact on the students because they got to hear some real life stories about children the same age as them”, said Ms Smith.
ThinkUKnow is a national program delivering online child safety information to parents, carers, teachers and students.
There is an opportunity for parents to attend a similar workshop on Wednesday 24 June 2020 at 4pm, that is aimed at educating and increasing your awareness about what your child may be doing online without you knowing and how to protect them if things go wrong.
These presentations are extremely valuable, packed full of helpful information and are delivered by experts in their field. We strongly encourage anyone in our wider CLC Community to register their interest in coming along.
If you would like to attend please register your interest via our registration form online at https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=-RaA4P3Ru0yDsLdutDYWJ5cPYT_vfGVOutZprzZ1rG9UMU5RT0ZGMTE0R09CNlRRMzNYVlRXRlVJWS4u or by phoning 9583 2800. You are welcome to register on behalf of others if you have additional people wanting to attend.
If the information session goes ahead, we will email you and provide additional notification via our College sign and Facebook page.