‘Alternatively Healthy’ workshop stresses the importance of a healthy mindset

11 August 2021

Earlier this term, our Year 9 girls participated in a workshop addressing some of the common issues surrounding perfectionism, comparison, social media and body image.

The 45-minute workshop run by local company, Alternatively Healthy, encouraged students to approach life with confidence, rather than comparison.

The program facilitator and founder, Asha Holland shared real-life, relatable stories and provided tools for students to implement surrounding concepts of self-worth, belief, acceptance and care.

This program was focussed on mental health and provided students with an inspiring, motivating and empowering talk that highlights the importance of a healthy mindset and outlook on life.

We want our students to be the very best versions of themselves. As part of our commitment to developing the ‘whole child’, the workshop has been designed to help promote self-belief and inspire students to be more confident in themselves. Through their active participation in the workshop we hope to help students re-assess their goals and imagine the many possibilities in life that they could achieve if they stopped comparing themselves to those around them.

Some of the topics covered included body appreciation, overcoming comparison and judgement, the impact of stress on the body, the importance of self-care and how to work with your inner critic. It was a really insightful workshop, that provided a number of hands on activities to try. Feedback from students has been really positive.

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